The Biomedical & Clinical Engineering Association of Ireland - BEAI - was set up in 1992 in response to the demands of the growing number of engineers working on electromedical equipment in the public sector. Various sub-committees have been formed to investigate education, publications, training, and professional restructuring. Much has been achieved since the inauguration of the BEAI, including the development of a professional profile and opportunities for further education and training.
The Association aims to promote and encourage professional development of Biomedical Engineering personnel through training and restructuring; to advance the science, technology, ethics and art of Biomedical Engineering; to facilitate co-operation and understanding among Biomedical/Clinical Engineering personnel and other healthcare professionals.
Click here to view the current Executive Committee.
The Biomedical / Clinical Engineering Association of Ireland (BEAI) is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Company Registration no. 484921.
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