BEAI Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Protocol for Allocation of CPD Credits
Updated: October 2021
All Clinical Engineers should aim to achieve:
70 credits in 24 months, across a range of activities
Personal Learning Plan
Reflections on 8 different learning activities in 24 months
Record and evidence of CPD activities
CPD Units are used to measure activity. One credit is equivalent to one contact hour of participation in an organised continuing education experience. Each individual should have a minimum of 70 credits of CPD over a 24-month cycle to ensure ongoing professional development.
This target should comprise a spread of a minimum of 5 Credits of CPD (over a 24-month cycle) in each of at least four of the categories specified below:
Educational Activities
Approved Scientific Meetings
Individual Structured Study
Scientific Publication
Local Professional Development Activities
Professional Activities
A log of all CPD should be kept by the engineer.
The allocation of CPD credits should be aligned to the below:
CPD Credits - Educational Activities
Participation as a learner:
Non-examined course: 1 credit per educational hour
Examined course: 2 credits per educational hour
Participation as a teacher:
First delivery: 2 Credits per teaching hour
Subsequent deliveries: 1 Credit per teaching hour
Certification for MPhil or PhD: 2 credits per month
Certification for Post-grad Diploma: 2 credits per month
PhD thesis: 5 credits per thesis
MSc thesis: 2 credits per thesis
MSc course: 5 credits per year
Other approved courses: 5 credits per year
CPD Credits - Approved Scientific Meetings
Attendance: 1 credit per educational hour
Invited or keynote speaker:
First delivery: 10 credits per hour
Subsequent deliveries: 2 credits per hour
Proffered paper or poster: 4 credits
Organiser/member of scientific/organising committee of a nationally advertised meeting:
5 credits per event
CPD Credits - Individual Structured Study
Structured Study: 1 credit per educational hour
Unforeseen learning opportunities: 1 credit per educational hour
For structured individual study, the learning strategy must be agreed with a mentor, specifying the knowledge and skills to be acquired or strengthened, together with the actions to be taken. Learning experiences undertaken must be recorded and the knowledge and skills gained should be described in a synopsis of 500 words.
Journal reading, undertaken on a specified regular schedule agreed with a mentor, qualifies for CPD credit.
CPD Credits - Scientific Publication
Article published in a refereed journal
Each principal author: 8 credits
Others: 4 credits
Accepted provisional patent: 5 credits for each author
Review article, commissioned chapter:
15 credits divided by the number of authors
Commissioned paper for government department or national advisory body:
8 credits divided by the number of authors
Non-refereed invited article/book review in a professional scientific publication:
2 credits
Editor of a multi-author work : 10 - 20 credits (in year of publication only)
Sole or joint author of a book: 20 - 50 credits (in year of publication only)
Invited referee of a paper or grant application:
2 credits
Invited referee of a book: 2 credits per chapter, max 10 per book
Editor of a peer-reviewed journal: 10 credits per year
Member of an editorial board: 5 credits per year
Editor of journal with national circulation:
10 credits per year
CPD Credits - Professional Activities
Membership of:
BEAI Committees
Other professional bodies/organisations related to your career.
Other health service, government, standards or international bodies
5 credits per year
Holders of senior office in the above:
Vice President
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
5 additional credits per year
Activities not attracting CPD Credits
Setting exam questions.
Lecturing and other teaching of clinical engineering or related courses if employed as an academic.