Mairead Dennehy is an Assistant Lecturer in Medical Technology at the Technological University of the Shannon since 2019. Mairead delivers Lectures and labs in a range of subjects on the Medical Technology (L7, L8) degree programmes and the L9 Postgraduate in Advanced Medical Technologies in the Department of Applied Science. She is also the work placement Co-Ordinator for Medical Technology 3rd year work placement and has developed new programmes in the form of a Masters and Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Medical Technologies.
Prior to this, after completing a two-year Medical Physics training programme in Galway University Hospital, Mairead was an accredited Medical Physicist working in clinical Radiotherapy in University Hospital Limerick for 8 years.
Mairead has a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from UCC and Masters in Biomedical Engineering from UL and has worked in the Electronics industry (Analog Devices, Limerick) and the Medical Device Industry (Medtronic formerly Covidien in Mervue Galway).
The Biomedical / Clinical Engineering Association of Ireland (BEAI) is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Company Registration no. 484921.
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